Maia's Mommie

modern parenting with flaws

Toddler Parenting…

on February 4, 2013

Well, the first year of Maia’s life had me spinning in circles both mentally and emotionally. I didn’t know what was coming next and wasn’t sure how we would emerge from that time. That was a kind of hard that we referred to as being hazed and we often made references to bootcamp especially in the first three months which were honestly the hardest of my life.  The second year (starting from her 1st birthday on) has been a completely different challenge; where year one was about endurance, year two it seems is about patience. It may help to put forward that patience is not my strongest personality trait. We are getting through it with the normal daily power struggles, tantrums and attitude (which only leads me to be very very afraid of what the teenage years will bring); but there have also been these amazing bright light moments where she does things so incredible, or learns something new and masters it where all I can do is shower her with kisses and think what a lucky momma I am. Hopefully I can use this as a forum to share both of those types of moments, because each is a part of this crazy parenting experience, which I am so grateful for and UNBELIEVABLY humbled by.

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